Concentrate on day-to-day business and manage your cashflow on our platform.
Cleverpaid started with a mission: to simplify cashflow management in logistics. You can now collect payments when you accpet an order or when you issue an invoice.
Select the right partners to work with. With Cleverpaid, you can check the credit score of your customer before you accept an order. With one click.
Everything in one place: orders, waybills, invoices… Issue and store all documents securely in a digital cloud.
Stop worrying about late payments. Transfer your invoice to Cleverpaid, we take care of the rest!
Register for free, verify your identity and learn to use the platform.
Explore our product range and get ready to finance your business.
Upload documents with one click and receive an instant quote.
If the order is valid, the money will be transferred to you in less than 3 hours.
Contact us directly and get all the information you need.